Factors that may lead to deportation from the United States

On Behalf of | Jun 16, 2023 | Immigration |

The immigration laws in the United States are complex and subject to change. Deportation, or removal, involves the forced exit of a foreign national from the United States due to alleged violations of immigration or criminal laws.

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services strictly enforces these laws, and many individuals find themselves facing deportation proceedings due to lack of information or understanding of the regulations.

Violation of visa terms

One of the leading causes of deportation involves violating the terms of your visa. This can include overstaying beyond the duration permitted by the visa, working without authorization or not following the terms set out in the visa.

Criminal convictions

Criminal activity can also lead to deportation. Convictions for crimes such as drug trafficking, domestic violence, aggravated felonies, firearms trafficking, crimes against persons or property and crimes of moral turpitude can all result in removal proceedings.

Illegal entry

Entering the United States without inspection, or illegally, can lead to deportation. This includes entering without a visa or entering with fraudulent documents.

Fraudulent activity

Any fraudulent activity, including marriage fraud or document fraud, aimed at circumventing immigration laws can lead to deportation. Lying to immigration officers or on immigration documents is a serious offense with severe repercussions.

Public charge

Becoming a public charge, meaning someone who is dependent on government assistance for survival, can result in deportation. The United States expects immigrants to be self-sufficient and not rely on public resources.

National security threats

Activities that threaten the security of the United States, such as espionage, sabotage or terrorism, can lead to deportation.

Deportation from the United States can drastically change one’s life and separate families. If facing a threat of deportation, you might consider reaching out to relevant community support groups or nonprofit organizations for guidance and assistance.