H-1B restrictions may come in next wave of immigration changes

On Behalf of | May 13, 2020 | Immigration |

The government has recently put a pretty big pause on many types of immigration. A temporary suspension went into effect on April 22 that will last at least 60 days (although it may last longer, following additional reviews). The suspension was enacted out of an expressed desire to protect the existing job market, which is somewhat fragile in some areas, for American workers first.

However, there were some big gaps in the new measures, including some that applied to H-1B applicants. H-1B visas are typically obtained by scientists and engineers who come to this country to ply their trade. Their education and skill sets have typically afforded them some leniency when it comes to getting through immigration.

That may change. There are indications that the government will soon add to the current immigration restrictions in a way that will “close the gaps” and make it harder for someone to get an H-1B visa in the first place.

Immigration advocates say that the measures are hardly necessary. H-1Bs are granted sparingly in the first place, and record-high denial rates are being imposed by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office. New denials have increased from just 6% in 2015 to an estimated 30% in 2020 (based on the rate in the first quarter of the year alone). Even large tech firms say that they’re having a hard time getting petitions approved for potential employees.

More than ever, it’s important to get good information and experienced advice when you’re dealing with an immigration question. Find out more about how our office can help with your particular concerns.