To obtain a US visa, you will need to undergo a medical examination to document your health. The purpose of this checkup is to ascertain your medical status. You do not have to be in perfect health to get the visa. However, if you have certain conditions that could pose a danger to others, it may affect your chances of securing this travel document.
Medical eligibility is required under the Immigration and Nationality Act. If you do not provide the required information, it could cause a delay or denial of your immigration visa. In addition, confidentiality is guaranteed under the act if you do not pass the medical eligibility checks.
What is usually checked as part of this immigration medical visit?
The medical examination involves a review of your medical history, a blood test for syphilis and a chest X-ray. Doctors also perform a physical examination in which they focus on your eyes, ears, nose, throat, heart, lungs and abdomen. You’re required to let the physician examining know if you might be pregnant or you have hypertension, diabetes, and other preexisting medical conditions. The doctor may also inquire about any presence of tuberculosis and mental issues and where you’re at in treating them.
Children under the age of 15 are not required to undergo blood testing or receive a chest X-ray. Still, they must receive any necessary immunizations and sit for a general physical exam. The costs of these checkups vary per person, and they depend on your age, medical history and current medical conditions.
Have you been wrongfully denied a visa based on your health?
Immigration officials shouldn’t generally cite your medical conditions as the reasons for denying you a visa. This is especially the case if your condition means that you don’t pose a health or safety risk to others. You’ll want to take time to learn more about what to do to safeguard your rights if your application is denied on these grounds.